PHCs - trusted resources

information and help

Getting help - For yourself and Others

We realize many of our Team Members have second jobs or take on many different challenges to make ends meet. 

The sources below are organizations throughout the Central Ohio area that provide assistance with everything from car repairs, bill payments, food, groceries, medical needs, and more. Whether it helps you or someone you may know - we 're happy to share. If you're aware of additional programs, please let  us know. 

Affordable Healthcare

OhioHealth Wellness on Wheels works just like a normal doctor’s office, delivering primary care, women’s health services and prenatal care, regardless of your ability to pay.

Call (614) 566-9989.

Call 211 for help

211 connects you to expert, caring help. Speak to someone directly 24/7 for assistance

  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Paying Bills

Every call is completely confidential.

Cap 4 kids

CAP4Kids will help you find many community agencies that exist to improve the lives of children and families.

  • Disabiity resources
  • Childcare and camps
  • Financial and legal help
  • Food
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • ...more

Go to:

Child Care Assistance information

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) offers financial assistance to eligible parents to help them with child care costs while they engage in work, education, or job training.

Go to: ODJFS ChildCare

City of Columbus - Neighborhood Services

Visit the Columbus Neighborhood Services page to learn about community outreach programs and resources in Columbus offering educational, health and wellness programs, and more.

Columbus Financial Empowerment Center
Offers free one-on-one financial counseling as a public service for all Central Ohio residents.

Financial counselors are trained and certified by the Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund to help participants navigate complex financial challenges and reach financial goals.

Learn More: CFEC Services

Columbus Urban League

Offering an authentic, integrated system of services that touch every neighborhood in Columbus and Franklin County.

IMPACT Car Repair Program

Benefits: Assistance with cost of vehicle repairs up to $1,500.

How to Apply: Call 614.252.2799 and ask to speak with a live representative at 10 am the first day of the month. Appointments are open on a first come first served basis.

Learn More: IMPACT Car Repair

Jewish Family Services
We provide a variety of supports to help individuals and families establish financial self-sufficiency and emotional stability.

  • Emergency Financial Assistance
  • Counseling
  • Financial Empowerment
  • Digital Services
  • Community Resources & Referrals

*You do not need to be Jewish to obtain assistance.

Learn More: JFS Columbus

Lifeline Phone Program

Provides a monthly benefit for income-eligible households to help with cost of communications services, through a participating wireline, wireless, or broadband provider.

The benefits vary depending on the service selected.

Learn More: Lifeline Phone Program

Lutheran Social services

The LSS Network of Hope offers a variety of services to meet basic needs in our community. From homeless shelters to senior living, we are here to help.

Please note: LSS is unable to offer monetary or rental assistance.

Mid-Ohio Food Collective

Without judgment, Mid-Ohio Foodbank partner agencies are here to help connect you to the food you need to live an active healthy life.

Learn More:

Ohio department of Job & Family Services

Provides workforce development and family support programs that improve the quality of life for Ohio residents.

PRC Emergency Assistance

PRC stands for Prevention, Retention and Contingency. It provides short-term benefits and services to low-income families.

Applicants can request aid for more than one emergency (such as overdue rent and utility bills, and auto repairs) up to a maximum of $2,000.

How to Apply: PRC Assistance

Project Taillight

Project Taillight covers repairs that could cause drivers to be pulled over by state highway patrol for unsafe vehicles and subjected to vehicle inspections.

  • Repairs may include: Safety lights, mirrors, brakes, tires, exhaust, etc.
  • You must own the car and it must be 7 years or older.
For more details: Project Taillight

we are here to help!

Pro Health Care Services recognizes it is vital that we support one another to get through trying times. Below you will find information compiled by the Ohio Department of Health of resources and information on different kinds of available assistance.

Coping Resources

MHAOhio supports our community by guiding people in need of mental health services to the appropriate providers as well as providing services that may not otherwise be accessible. We work with individuals and their families through each step on their paths to wellness, from making initial referrals, to providing free mental health services, to helping maintain stability and productivity once it is achieved.

Therapy for All

Take care of yourself! Support is all around you. How to reach out to someone if you need to talk, get support, deal with complicated or personal situations. 

National Alliance on Mental Illness

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.


The sources listed here have the latest in ACCURATE information from RELIABLE sources. 

These sources also provide additional information on what is closed, where to go for assistance and what to expect in your local areas. 

Franklin County

Department of Public Health

Up to date information from the Franklin County Department of Public Health.

  • Closings
  • Local Resources to help children and families
  • An official call center to answer your questions
  • Status of the state

Ohio Department of Health

View information on public health orders, the status of your community, and educational information.

Click here to see more on Ohio's COVID Vaccination Plan:

CDC - video channel

For up to the minute updates and information from the CDC - view their official YouTube Channel